Tileset Gen

Written by Eduardo Lopes

Tileset Gen

Tileset gen it’s a tool to make easier draw tilesets!

In the last 2 months i made 2 games, one to ludum dare 30 and another one to js13k games 2014. The two games are tile-based, have different terrains and each terrein need a tileset with 47 tiles to make all combinations. What means the i need to draw 47 different tiles to each terrain.

I wanted to make this process easier, so i was think a lot about make a tileset generator, something that receive a small tileset base, and output a tileset with 47 tiles, or 16 tiles or etc.

Finally i made it! It’s working, i have a alpha version, with the main features. You can access here: Tileset Gen.

How it works

Let’s say that each tile of your game it’s 32x32 size. The size of the tileset base in this case had to be 96x64, and follow this pattern:

tileset base

If you want 64x64 tiles, the base had to be 196x128. The math works like this:

32x32 tile:
width: 32 3 = 96;
height: 32
2 = 64;

48x48 tile:
width: 48 3 = 144;
height: 48
2 = 96;

64x64 tile:
width: 64 3 = 196;
height: 64
2 = 128;

You get the idea!

Some examples:

Generate 32x32 tiles: tileset base example 1 Generate 64x64 tiles: tileset base example 2

You can download these examples and use to test the app! When upload the tileset base, you need to set the tile size in the config bar.

You can upload how much tileset base you want; you can delete them if you want; when all it’s done, you can download a png of everything.

The app it’s in alpha, there’s a lot of things to add.

I need feedback! Let me know if this can help you, and how did you think this can be better. Leave a comment or send me a tweet on @EdoardoLopes if you need some help.

This is a open source project! The code is on github: tileset-gen.
